Understand that the recommended average sleeping hours for 3mths old baby is approx 15hours. While my son can sleep in his cot at night, he needs to be carried to sleep in the day time. If not, he won't sleep at all.. It's creating a hassle since the adults can't do anything else other than carrying him to sleep.. I am exploring the option of getting a yao lan for baby. In honest opinion, which best alternative should I go for: (1) intro yao lan, (2) continue to carry him to sleep, (3) CIO method - leave him in the cot and crying it out? anxious about the no.of hours sleeping he is getting..

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At this stage, lo is consider in their 4th trimester. They r just feeling insecure and still wanting to be cuddled like they r in our tummy so nothing to be worried about, it wont turn into a habit for good. They will outgrow this phase and soon u will miss cuddling them when they grow up. That being said, understand that the adults need to do their chores. I had the exact same experience when my lo is 2-3mths+ but she has finally outgrow it. I tried the following: 1. Take turns to carry if possible 2. To know when they r sound asleep, when their fists r relaxed else they r still aware of the surroundings. If they r asleep, slowly put them down either swaddle or put them sleeping on their side to mimic the cuddling. Even for a 5mins on the bed, it's an achievement! 3. Babywear, it is the best invention isn't it. You can free ur hands and have ur me-time while keeping them by ur side I wouldn't recommend yaolan coz they might get addicted to it and i have friends whose kids will need yaolan whenever they r out for eg. staycation and it can be quite a hassle to coax them to sleep outside while i have friends who cope well with it. But it is up to individual and always remember all lo r different and unique. I chose not to use yaolan after i found out about 4th trimester and their needs, its a bonding session i feel. Lastly, have lotsa patience especially now coz we will be mentally and physically tired. Trust me, it's all worthwhile when they outgrow the phase and sleep on their own.

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