my 3mth old son needs to be carried to sleep.. and still carried while sleeping (touch bed/mattress will instanteously wake up).. so I get a yao lan (at least I can do other things) or continue to carry him while sleeping? I tried many other means, but he won't sleep unless being carried.. I even went to the extreme letting him tire himself out.. but he still won't sleep..

Did u carry him during the newborn time (confinement time) very often? If you are ok with introduce yao lan, why not. My no1 uses it until 6 months than i wean off as she doesnt like yao lan. While my friend still using it till now for afternoon nap, going 3 years old soon. He used to relay on yao lan too, but took a bit of time to let him get uses to sleep on bed, but tt is when baby is a bit bigger. And they are perfectly fine. At least with yao lan, you can bath, eat, etc. after using yaolan, than u have to start to slowly wean him off relaying it, like at night once deep asleep, move him to bed. Do u have rocker? Even after he is deep asleep move him to rocker and slowly rock him and let him continue sleep and slowly stop rocking. Have to trial and error to find the suitable ways to let ur LO sleep.
Read moreI was in the same exact situation, and was so fed up of holding baby all the time, so I bought a stokke rocker cum day bed. It's a small cot for baby under 6 months and you can rock the cot. She sleeps like an angel now and I have my arms free (I rock the cot with my feet while sitting on the side of my bed surfing ;) )
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my lo also needs to be carried to sleep. only at nite he's ok to sleep in his cot. day time i will let him sleep on me then i also sleep. if i need to do anything i will just quickly put him on the mattress, cover him with blanket to keep him warm; put a small pillow on his chest; pat him abit if he stirs.
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else u can carry him untill he is deep deep.sleep try slowly put him down .. if u happen to have yaolan u can put.him there try not to.let him sleep in the rocker for the whole night it could.lead to.SIDs
Maybe you can try yao lan it will swing the baby to sleep I think you baby just love the swinging motion it make him feel like he is still in you