Understand that the recommended average sleeping hours for 3mths old baby is approx 15hours. While my son can sleep in his cot at night, he needs to be carried to sleep in the day time. If not, he won't sleep at all.. It's creating a hassle since the adults can't do anything else other than carrying him to sleep.. I am exploring the option of getting a yao lan for baby. In honest opinion, which best alternative should I go for: (1) intro yao lan, (2) continue to carry him to sleep, (3) CIO method - leave him in the cot and crying it out? anxious about the no.of hours sleeping he is getting..

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My son is almost 6months when he was younger about 3months he cannot sleep well during the day so my hubby bought a swing and this help him have a good napping time during the day. Sometimes I lived him in cot and he make himself feel asleep I just make sure he is full and had a burp after he cries for while then to my surprise he already sleeping.

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