Those with no maid , no in law or parents help etc .. how do u n hubby split the housework between the two of u ? Is your hubby calculative / or not calculative ? as in if u can't do your housework cos u are sick or too exhausted from handling children or work, that he will help u clear some urgent ones even though that is not within his scope of housework that is agreed upon?

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I will nag at my hubby and he will nag back saying "I throw the rubbish u remember? I got help u lei." Then I give up and do all the housework myself even when I am sick I will just do but when he is free and feel like helping out he will ask me what he can do then I will let him know how to help me out. I feel that when I ask him to do something he will be like erm later then I do or it never be done. So if I do it myself it will be faster. I am a sahm so maybe I feel that everything in the house I have to do. After he came home from work usually he will just go to bed and play hp not even bathing and play until he fall asleep. 😠 Sometime feel that it's not fair as well I go work and f*** care everything which is more relaxing and have more free time. But I can't have to take care of my 10months old and I don't want unnecessary conflict with him so I choose to just do whatever I can. I have no maid or in laws too..

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I’m lucky... my husband has been trained by his parents to do chores since young so he mainly takes responsibility for housework ☺️ We also realized that it’s a lot more manageable when we do chores as and when we need to instead of making it a big deal E.g. washing dishes immediately instead of accumulating, separating whites from colored clothes in different laundry bags after use, vacuuming small spaces when we see dust/hair instead of doing major vacuuming to the whole house, using spray cleaning agents in toilet instead of scrubbing Other than that, my husband vacuums, cleans the fans and dusts the shelves once a month by himself and tells me to leave the house while he does that and then I do weekly laundry.

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I am the calculative one. Cos I cook, I wash, I prepare the next day meal, I do laundry and sometimes, I need to teach my son homework too. So the things that he does daily is minimal. Just fetch the kids, shower them and pack their bags. So he better do what he is supposed to do everyday! He loves his job so much that the first thing after finishing dinner is to open his laptop and started typing right away. Always said he needs to reply emails to his big bosses. Well, as if he replies now his bosses will see lor. Sometimes when I'm so pissed off, I will ask him who is he trying to impress by working so hard every nite. Really can't stand it.

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6y ago

Your husband is full of excuses. He just wants to distance himself from the family and responsibility.

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Even though we dont have our own house yet, i can already forsee my husband on NOT touching any of the housework. Even if im so sick and half dead. HE will just leave laundry on the floor for me to pick it up. So when my house come, i forsee the house i will be handling it myself. As long it's tidy, with dishes washed and laundry washed. It's ok. You can focus mainly on weekends. Sanity first.

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It's either one deals with the baby and the other deals with the chores. Of course we are calculative because the faster we finish our chores, the sooner we can rest. I'm sure if I'm sick or too exhausted, my husband would help me. But if he's sick or exhausted too, than have to suck it up and complete it rather than waste that energy arguing.

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Both not calculative. We have a part time helper. Because we can't afford a maid.

We have a schedule. And whoever use cleans up. That's a rule for our household.

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Nagging helps I think lol