26 Replies

based on what the neonatal physiotherapist at sgh told me, it's best not to let your child be in a walker because 1. it hinders the development of walking. they will be more prone to tip toeing rather than bearing their weight on their heels. 2. their weight will be on their groin and this causes pain at their groin area.

VIP Member

I bought a walker for my eldest but he refused to use it as he preferred to crawl and then stand holding on to the sofa or chair and then he was able to walk by 10.5months. The same continued for my other 4 boys and none of them used the walker. I gave it to my friend and her baby used it.

I used both sit-in walker and push walker for my kids. It helps train their legs as well as building their confidence. However, the con of sit-in walker is that they will go around pulling everything they can reach around them. hence parental supervision is definitely a must.

My boy did not use any walker since day 1. I do not encourage it too. Of course different people have different point of view but I think you would need to read up more on what's the pros and cons of a walker.

Think the issue is that the child might learn to walk by tiptoeing. A better way can be those assisted walkers which child holds on and pushes. You can find a few from Fisher Price and some other nice ones. :)

Personally I've been using for all my 4 kids and they are growing up well and happy. Baby walker helps to train their legs to be stronger and helps them to walk too. It's good in my own opinion.

4.5 mths

I did not use baby walker for my 2 kids but there are still many people using it for their baby. It's a matter of preferences and there is no right and wrong. Go with your comfort level.

I didn't use a baby walker, rather I bought a play may and a play yard which helps to keep them in one place and allows them to learn to pull themselves up and walk.

its a personal choice. some say that walkers are not good. and others say walkers for a while is okay. i guess really depends quite hard to say also.

i use this type . 2 in 1 . . but know that some advise better dun use waker.. as for me. we will put our baby in . for a while . my kid enjoy it.

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