baby walker

I was thinking of buying a baby walker but my husband is against it. Whats your take on this?

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Walker will delay development. Physiotherapist are all against it. You can Google for evidence and read more about it. There is risk the child will trip and fall too when they run too fast in the walker. I just use those panels playpen and padded mat for my children at learn to walk stage

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Not necessarily to have. It's actually bad for their body posture. Cause they tend to lean forward. The walkers are good for those who already can walk on their own but need assistance. Not wise to use for those just learning to walk.

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We used walkers for all my kids.. bt of cos we limit the time.. so far so good no prob for them.. all walked normally when they were ready.. no joint/posture problem whatsoever

For me, it's not a 'must have' item. Husband didn't like it. He feels that it slows down baby walking development. So we decided not to have it.

Don't plan on using it at all. I was told that kids can develop worse walking postures from them, especially if used from too young of an age

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My hub also against it. even jumperoo also cannot