32 Replies

VIP Member

Abstinence (not having sex) is the only 100% way to prevent pregnancy ? Condoms, IUDs, getting tubes tied have a really small possibility of getting pregnant, but yes, you can still get pregnant! I'd say to monitor especially if you're breastfeeding (sometimes it's just hormones) and maybe get a blood test (most accurate way) if you're worried :)

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It is possible - nothing in life is 100% guarantee - but it's not likely. A good idea could be to both use protection and reduce the odds even further!

VIP Member

Possible. But low chance.. Period delayed might be due to stress or lifestyle changes.. If you are worried.. then go test and check it out

VIP Member

It is possible as there might be little tears in the condom which you won't be able to see. do get a test kit to try

Yes, pls get urself checked. 3 weeks is a bit too long for being late due to lifestyle changes

Super Mum

Possible but low chance Get a pregnancy test kit to confirm since it's been late for 3 weeks

There is always a risk in everything we do, we can't rule that out as a possibility.

yup! it's not 100% after all. there is still 1%. I won't rule that out.


Condoms are not 100% full proof. Get a pregnancy test kit and check

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