Stay At Home Mum Or Working Mum?

Mums, do you prefer to be a stay-at-home mum or a working mum?

Stay At Home Mum Or Working Mum?
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Working mum! But if I have more than 2 kids, i will probably say SAHM because of costs, unless i am earning big bucks. 😂

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If I could, I prefer to be a stay home mum till baby is at least 1 to 2 years old. But financially not very feasible

Depends also... As for me i've been SAHM for 11 years...i have 7 kids...yeah its not easy,esp on financial sides...

5y ago

And i also do subline Cat Boarding for my income... All my child sch is under FAS & KIFAS.

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Stay at home mum, as for Singapore life style both parents need to work to support the family sadly.

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Hope to be stay at home mom until baby is at least 1 yo. Then work with flexible hour after that.

Super Mum

SAHM! cant imagine working and still have to 'work' with lo once home and bf every few hrs 😅

Prefer to be a working mum so that my mind is refreshed as well as learning doesn’t stop :)

Definitely SAHM if our finances allow. But practically for us, have to be working mum

VIP Member

Sahm if the finances work out. Would be great to stay at home with our bubs!


I prefer to be working to keep my mojos working and my Brain in TOP form