Stay At Home Mum Or Working Mum?

Mums, do you prefer to be a stay-at-home mum or a working mum?

Stay At Home Mum Or Working Mum?
108 Replies
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Stay at home. I feel secured if I am the one who takes care of my child.

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Glad to get sahm bt so far no luck hence lost my job carrier :(

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SAHM and do my hobby (jewelery making) to supplement income

I've been both, and ultimately I prefer being a stay-at-home mum

4y ago

Hey, would you like to earn some income while being a stay-at-home mum? You can help people thru online, and by doing so, you cannearn some extra money too! If you're interested, u can contact me. Coach Julius at 90620540

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Stay-at-home mum if financial situation allows. :)

Stay at home. Husband dont allow me to work haihh

working mum.. more subsidy and tax rebate! haha

Work from home. Women are multi tasking person.

Working with flexible working hours!

Working remotely at home or take freelance job