78 Replies
That's insane. A little alcohol a no no for a baby, there's a news where baby died within 30 minutes after being fed alcohol. Ask her do that to her baby instead 🙄
Please don't do that !!! There's a recent article about how dangerous this is ... https://www.google.com/amp/s/mustsharenews.com/grandfather-alcohol-baby/amp/
Babies less than 6mo cant even be given water, how can alcohol be possible? Their systems are not well developed yet. Please stay away from your SIL
Alcohol is absolutely no for babies! It can endanger babies. I haven’t heard of such custom to feed baby red wine during full month celebration.
I wonder what custom is that. Please do not allow that as it will be harmful to baby kidney as it will not be able to filter out toxic!
Sorry but i think sh3 is trying to justify her own selfish need for drink isit? Never heard of. She could brain damage her LO . Evil!!
please tell her to keep her hands to herself. if im you, i’ll never let my baby go near her ever even when my baby has grown up.
count yrself lucky that yr baby still alive! Pls do what is good for the baby! if baby got pblm, who to blame?
insane.. If i was you i definitely bring my baby away from her and also i will definitely scold the person
Definitely no! That’s one case recently that baby died because the grandfather fed the baby alcohol!