My Sister in law just tried to feed my baby red wine last night at our CNY reunion dinner. She said it's custom to feed 1 month old baby a little wine. I think she's nuts. Is this true?

Ask her wat custom is that! For wat purpose? To be more rich? If just stop her for being naughty, tell her i prefer her to be naughty instead. 1 mth old baby, i dun think their body is anyway strong enough to handle such a strong alcohol burning sensation in them. Please keep them safe from nonsense ppl.
Read moreTotally insane! Im sorry but no she shouldn't do that. Learn how to respect that not all babies are the same. Especially if its our own, we have to protect our own babies from harm... she can do that to hers if she wants...
Don't know where she heard that from, but regardless - nothing should be fed to LO (other than formula/breast milk) until around 6 months old! Do keep your distance from her if possible, especially in future just in case.
A one month old just passed away in china after the grandfather fed him wine on the his baby shower. Ur sil is trying to murder ur baby!! No one in the right mind will feed wine/beer to babies/children
What kind of custom is that ? She’s from China is it -.- no alcohol for baby and toddler . I think you can ask her to feed her own baby or children alcohol instead , she will be a murderer .
No No No!!!!! Please share the link to your sister!
I never heard of this before. Very dangerous to feed baby red wine. Please don't let her do it. The effect can to detrimental to the brain and long term harm to baby development Show this to ur SIL and ask her to shut up
Custom or no are the firm and said NO. Use your motherly instinct...what don't seem right to you is just plain wrong thats all there is to it...
Hell no! That’s BS Unless she is trying to kill her LO, make sure she doesn’t get near your child cuz you won’t know if she will feed your baby again with red wine