Saw this article and also many moms replaced fm with fresh cows cow milk really sufficient? I would like to switch too! But how to go about switching to fresh milk and what kind of fresh milk? My lo is 14mo

Hi there! Just to let you in on some history about feeding babies, not too long ago, before formula was invented, hospitals would feed babies with either cow or goat milk by putting them on the udders? :) we don’t have to do this now but yes, animal milk or rather milk from mammals is sufficient - what’s more I find it sooo much more economical. I introduced it in my children’s solids once they were past 6 months of age (if I didn’t put breastmilk in). Introduce dairy products too and this would help to introduce the taste of milk. If baby is formula fed, try mixing and replacing gradually, a little more every time.
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This article may be helpful in telling you the different kinds of fresh milk, what to look out for and how to transition :)
My 2nd child was a fully latch on child, He refused all sorts of FM. So i had to give fresh milk. Only give fresh milk when baby hits 1yo. I give him Meiji Full Cream fresh milk.
Read moreFresh milk at 1 ✌🏻! Easy when out or traveling, can buy from any convenient store or supermarket :) I feed a minimum of 350ml of cow's milk and a maximum of 400ml each day
I mixed fm n fresh milk. Fm is his naptime/bed time feed. He drinks fresh milk for fun like other beverage since he loves milk
my child was on fresh CowS milk and goats milk its sufficient. as by age 1 baby main diet is not milk alone.
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I gives my girls farmfresh cow milk, organic oat milk and soya milk on days I missed a pump.
i gave both :) flexible i would say.