Fresh milk
Hi! Anyone knows how can I switch from formula milk to fresh milk for my 16months old daughter? Like as of now, she still has about 3 feeds of formula milk per day in her milk bottle. And when I switch, do I just give her the fresh milk in the packet or a cup? Is the frequency for fresh milk the same as when she had formula milk? Thank you in advance!

I Introduced fresh milk by warming it up in a bottle first , then once she’s okay with fresh milk (no allergic reaction) then I introduced packet milk . Fresh milk doesn’t hold hunger as well as formula I feel
gradual introduction will be best, mix formula and fresh milk. See how the tummy will adapt n react to the changes so Baby won't suffer. I used to do this when I shift my son to Fresh milk after formula
Read moreI introduced cows milk to my child starting at 12 months . At first I mixed a little in with the formula until all was cows milk. Around that time we were also switching from bottles to sippy cups
You can try fresh milk little by little using the small packet/bottle/sippy cups. You can give morning night or just every morning. We don't give like formula milk every few hours.
Try slowly introducing fresh milk, like those small UHT packs. And don’t recommend giving it cold at first because they are not used to it
We usually give the small Dutch Lady packet in between her formula feeds just to get her used to it. She drinks right from the packet
Can give it the packets super convenient but probably need to give more as less filling IMO
yes can. I warm it up in a cup before giving her
Young mummy of two beautiful girls Loves to travel, ✈