pertanyaan.. sy pregnant 10minggu tapi adakah normal utk masa skrg perut masih xnmpk atau masih kecil? tgk Ada kawan2 yg pregnant 10minggu tapi perut depa nmpk dah besar

Hurmm... Normal je sis... Br 10wik... Tp ok apa klu preggy perut kcik..nti xpyh nk risau2 bile perut bsr nk surut jd kempis mcm ms sblm peknen aftr due.. jnji bby dkt dlm tu sht sudah....alhmdulillah..dont wory bout perut size ok... Just think bby sht ckup nutrien inside... Also no gdm ms preggy..tu lg penting...jg pemakanan..n dont be stress...need to chill ms preggy ni k...😉✌..
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Hi mommy. 1st pregnancy mmg tak nmpk sgt perut. Janji baby ok, should be no problem. Kdg perut besar sbb air ketuban byk.