Drink coffee
Hi nummies, do u continue drink coffee or tea during pregancy? Or must stop?

I only drink coffee just a few times along my pregnancy... but only a sip or just half a glass... Tea pula I loooove tea.. its just that its not good when you are taking folic acid and tea at the same time.. it reduces the effect of the folic acids.. Klu kurang darah kena stop minum tea..
hi mommy! masa 1st & 2nd tri, sy elakkan minum coffee, tea n air yg berkafein..sbb risau hb low..masuk 3rd tri, baru berani nk minum..wpun doc kata, boleh je nk minum coffee..tp cukup 1 cwn sehari..n kena jarakkan dlm 2-3 jam lepas pengambilan ubat, baru boleh minum 😊
I did continue drinking but it causes my blood count to dropped seriously from 13.3 till 9.4..so I stop coffee intake immediately on my 34 weeks once I found out that my HB so low.. even decaf coffee also will cause HB to drop..
kerana baby dlm kandungan sya buang apa yg tidak sihat utk baby...nafsu ni kena kawal lah..mcm sya jenis yg tak pentingkan nafsu..pentingkan kesihatan much better..tak merugikan keadaan.
Boleh mnum tpi scwan je..Tpi klu xmnum sgt pon xpe..Lg bgus..Sye preggy xmnum trus cafein nie..Cma milo je lah mnum...
Awal2 jgn mnum langsung sis..sy dah masuk 2nd baru minum teh..tapi kopi memang xminum langsung..
We can still drink it for only a cup a day.. but if ur hb is going lower, drink it less often..
If u can stop drinking its good for u and your baby.
coffee or cafein is not good during pregnancy
mom of princess aafiyah