Anyone here drink coffee during breastfeeding ?

i'm coffee lover too.. fortunately breastmilk not drop. sometimes mummy needs to take something that she wants to eat @ drinks her favorite. body can produce more milk because we are in a good mood after drink our fav. as we know that mother can't stress out is one of the reason the production of breastmilk drop.
Baca lagiStart minum kopi o masa dlm pantang. Sekarang baby dah 3 bulan pun wajib minum 1 hari 1x. Alhamdulillah susu x drop.
Saya hari2 minum kopi kampung. Dari tak pregnant suka sungguh minum kopi. Sehari takdapat rasa menggigil 😭
Nope. Caffeine kadang kurangkan susu badan. Beware okayy. Milo pun dah okay
Me.i just need coffee to stay keep waking up at night..😞
Nope plus mmg x minum caffeine
yup but once a day 😊
Me, klo xdpt memg migrane
Saya tak suka kopi hehe
✋✋✋ Once per day. 😜
:) nice
Mother of 1 energetic son