16 Replies

If your newborn is not done with feeding, then try some ways to wake her, like undressing her and rub the back and tickle her feet. But yes you should always burp your baby after feeding.

You can just upright her and give her taps on her back. If she burp, she burp but if she dont then its ok. Latch bb less likely to burp unlike bottle fed bb

VIP Member

Yes u may tap her back .. burps helps clogged air in her respiratory or else it may reflux out later with vomiting so make sure burps every feeding

VIP Member

you need not wake ur baby but can gently put him/her on ur shoulder and run ur hand on his/her back for him/her to burp

You should always try to burp your breastfed baby during and after each ​feeding, as needed.

Hi. You may find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/burp-baby-right-way

Need not wake her up. Just prop her up and stroke will do. They will continue to sleep

No need to wake her up? Just hold her in the erect position until she burps

Yes just let her be upright and tap her back gently till she burps.

Yes, gently tap her back while supporting the neck will work.

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