Just need to rant... My hubby and I are playing this mobile game which he also intro one of his girl gamer friends. He will spend time on the game with her doing quests etc and make jokes and silly teasing remarks (bra size, about using her charm etc) about her in the game chat. This makes me feel quite uneasy and insecure. He mentioned he knows her more years than me and they are just jokes and nothing else. He does not think there is anything wrong with what he is doing so no use speaking to him about it. When I msg him, he dun reply yet can reply to msg in the game. Unsure how to make him understand how he is making me feel. He even said Im a xxxxing wife who suspect him about every thing. Is there really nothing wrong with what he is doing?

Does he make the same joke with you? If he does not, there might be deeper communication issues between you and him. In any event, I feel the jokes with sexual nature might be a bit out of the comfort zone but if you know him to be like this before the marriage, then I guess you have to accept him as it is. Can't expect just because there is a marriage, the person have to change for the other party. A person has the right not to married someone but if one choose to marry someone, he or/she should accept him as a whole. Seems like these issues are usually raise by woman. Rarely heard of such things from my guy friends.
Read moreI can understand why you need to rant - I've experienced something similar. There's two ways you can go about it - you could be upfront, kindly say you've tried to be ok with it - but its not something I can accept as it's disrespectful and in your eyes emotionally cheating. The other option is to get some distance and wait till he starts paying you more attention, rather than his game. Sometimes showing you care & are hurt, only encourages their actions. I found the latter worked for me in the long run. Hope it helps!
Read moreExperienced this recently. It hurts, it is inappropriate for men to do that even its a friendly "conversation". It can progress to something worse if they become comfortable already. I talked to my husband and told him that it is very uncomfortable for me as his wife to see those topics being talked about. At first he wouldnt understand, until i made realize if we switch places and i send mesgs like that to a man. What would it make him feel?
Read moreIt's hard to say when he already state that he know the female friend way earlier then you. Probably he is just being comfortable with the female gamer as a friend. Voice out nicely to your husband. tell him your discomfort of him asking about the female bra size and all. As for him not replying you when texting, it's pretty normal. my gamer husband doesn't reply me even when i'm right beside him talking
Read moreI think men can have women friends and vice versa. The idea of him having a female friend who he is close to is not a bad thing or wrong. What is not right is the topics of conversation but more importantly, he is not listening to your concerns. He may not see your point of view at first but I agree with the above comment make him realise if you switch places how would it make him feel.
Read moreI did. He said go ahead he dun care if I chat that way to or about other guys. cos he said he is not acting overly friend just joking in a game group chat. nothing wrong.
Thanks all for the replies. I already told him I do not feel comfortable and even said other wives will feel the same way. In his own words: If u can't take jokes, others can.. Then just stay in ur own box and stfu
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Whether or not know who longer etc. Doesn't matter. Its not appropriate to speak in such a manner with the opposite sex. How is that even ethical?
Ermmm I thing what he is doing is very wrong.