New Daddy's Woes!

My wife just gave birth one month ago and I feel like I don't have a life anymore! I want my guys' night out and soccer time with my buddies. Everything is about the baby now. Is this it for me? How do I tell my wife I need some me time without upsetting her?

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in case of a tiny newborn one month old baby, everything has to be about the baby! imagine yourself, a grown up man, sulking already and behaving like the baby instead. i am sure you are getting your time when you at least get to step out the house without worrying about cleaning and changing and feeding the baby, or leaking boobs. what about your wife? if she thought the same way, you would be the one taking care of all this and feeding the baby with a bottle, while she would be out partying and having fun. please understand that at this moment, the baby is the most important. enjoy the parenting experience and soon you will start getting your time too.

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