baju raya
Hello mumy ... This year is my first year celebrating hari raya with my 6months daughter . should i buy her baju raya by online or just go to bazar and buy? I had a problem which is keep think what if i go to bazar but doesn't have design n colour or much more pricey than online shop . help me pleaseeee ..

beli online ok sebab lg murah tp risiko sikit sbb takut saiz x kena n kena beli cpt..takut x smpt sampai.. 😂 beli mall or bazar senang..blh ukur siap2..tgk warna n kain semua sndri..klau dpt hrga yg brpatutan ok la..anak sy dpt beli yg agk mhl tp tokki dier ok la..hehe😅
Window shopping outside then find size of the design.then go online and compare price. If online is cheaper then u already know the size from trying it outside. Or u could always custom made whatever design u want from a good tailor. Just buy the material. Compare price of all 3 options
Kalau bazar/ekspo panas kak..dengan ramai org sesaknya lagi,better masuk mall sejuk sikit..beli online kalau tahu saiz anak senang lah,baca review/Komen org takot kadang saiz dijual xsama dgn saiz sebenar.
better pi beli kat mall...boleh try dulu sebelum boy saya 4 bln, nasib ada size, itu pun sy beli di tesco...butik gene martino. First time sy nk beraya dgn baby sy...
beli online pun ok senang pilih terus bayar. kalau beli shopping mall pun okey je..hehe both okey i think
beli kat mall hahah boleh cuba pakai hehehehe
Wow... Seronoknya... Beli Kat mall sis lebih puas ati... Online risau saiz kurang tepat...
Betul betul.. skrg dah Mahal... But puas ati sis sbb boleh tau kualiti kain
beli kat mall ... Cari yg ada promosi Raya... hah jimat sikit hihi
Better beli kat mall, ada je yg murah murah hehe
Beli dkt shopping mall
At shopping mall