15 Replies
I was throwing up 7 to 9 times a day from week 10 on and eventually lost more than 5kg at mid 2nd trimester. I can only take some fruits (pear, honeydew and rock melon) and drank soup. I couldn't take plain water so I tried pink dolphin and took ice cream. Doc prescribed me anti nausea/vomiting pills to take before food and it helped quite a bit. Monthly visit to gynae still shows that baby growing fine. Just that I was on drip for a few times for dehydration. Please consult your gynae so you can feel better and less miserable.
I was the same from 6 to 15 weeks. I just got better. I throw up 3x a day and drink at least 3-4 glasses of water a day only. Eat very little and snack some fruits. Guava and help me as well. Also try dry food, no sauces no soup. I also make sure that every time i throw up in 30mins to 1 hr i try to eat something little again. It is very difficult but hang in there.
If this has been more than a day, than I probably suggest you to go to the hospital. You may get dehydrated and lack of nutritions. Have you tried drinking milo or any fluids?
Im glad to hear you're well ❤no worries and take good care of urself !
Yes u should. My best friend had that too n she had to get hospitalised. But thank god everything turned out ok for her.. please see a doc ya
If you suspect you’re severely dehydrated and can’t even take water, you might need to go to the hospital for a drip
Please see your doctor soon as she will assess your condition and may need to put u on drip if it’s too serious.
I've actually went down to NUH last night, they put me on drip for 1 hour, gave me some antibiotic and anti-vomitting pills.. So far so good, I'm feeling a whole lot better today. Thank you for taking your time to comment and help ne out ❤
If you can't take even water you should see doctor to check if you are dehydrated.
Yes best to consult your gynae asap, take care!
It’s better to let your gynae know about it.
Hey, Please consult the gynae asap
Nuraisah Saleh