when to start Maternity Leave?

Hello Mummies May I know when should start maternity leave My EDD is 4th Jan 2020. As my company is asking me to apply leave so they can find my replacement. but I am nt sure when to start any suggestions . first time mum here.

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Maybe a week earlier if you don't want to take too many AL ? Then when u pop will be consider maternity leave. Some gynae may end up giving HL a week or 2 b4 ur EDD based on ur situation but u need to check does ur HR policy accepts HL if it is too near ur EDD

Super Mum

Personal opinion here, but I wanted to spend as much time with my baby as possible, so I started maternity leave only when the baby came out. I took some annual leave prior to giving birth, but started maternity leave from day of birth.

VIP Member

If u can endure the morning commute by public, then ask them if u can start 1 week before your edd. Do not waste this precious leave.

Super Mum

I activated my mat leave on the day I delivered... However I requested if I could work from home the week before and that was ok.

I started on day of delivery too..if you feel well. Some start earlier to have time for themselves before the big event.

VIP Member

I start from the day I deliver too. Need more time to recover and spend with baby after that! Took MC for the week before EDD.

5y ago

bt my HR want me to apply now so she can find my replacement... now how i will tell her that I am not sure when I wil deliver n I cannot decide now.

VIP Member

ML is very precious.. Infact not enough for me. So i would start on the day i deliver..

VIP Member

For my first baby, I start when I deliver.

1 week before EDD should be good

Can start one week earlier