No colostrum or milk at all
Hi mummies, I just gave birth yest, i tried to bf my son but nothing come out. I even try to massage and squeeze, nothing. The nurse told me it is normal for no milk for 2 days. But i feel bad as baby wants to latch, and when latching, it can took more than 30 mins, when i let it go, baby cried as he want to latch somemore. Till i had to ask the nurse to gv him FM to make him full.. Any tips? Tia!

Congrats to u.. I have same exp... during hospital stay I have squeeze until my breast sore also nothing come out, I tot I have no milk.. my son born premature 32wk, it hard to latch and his PD keep asking me whether I have milk for him during my stay😫. Back home, I keep pumping 1st day 1-2 drip, 2nd day I can pump to match his intake.. my advise is don't feel guilty of having your baby to take FM.. my preemie took fm for the first few day.. it's nothing wrong with it.. now he is a healthy 10kg baby at 7month.. Jia you💪🏻.. and keep pumping u will see hardworking pay off..
Read moreHi mummy. Just continue to latch him. I gave birth in early March. There was milk and i thought it was enough but baby was crying so much and the nurse mentioned that it may be due to not enough milk. I did not want to supplement with formula but baby was crying so much and couldn’t sleep well. So i gave in and mix feed (mainly at night). In the meantime, i latched and yes, similar to you, my boy latched for so long. But i did not give up and also tried pumping. Eventually my milk supply came in around 2nd week and stopped fm. now at 6wks pp i am ebf baby. Don’t give up!
Read moreHi congrats! Colostrum is very thick and difficult to come out so you may feel like there's nothing because you can't squeeze it out, but baby can suck it out more easily. When a lactation consultant visited me on the 3rd day she squeezed super hard until I wanted to cry and only then a few drops came out. So don't worry it's totally normal, keep on latching, see a lactation consultant if you can & all the best with your bf journey!
Read moreIt’s normal. Just keep latching and do more skin to skin contact. The baby should only wear diapers and put on your bare chest. Just to share, my milk only came in on the 4th day. The nurse had to feed baby formula on the 2nd day when I was in the hospital cos she was so hungry and crying non stop. My friend shared that her milk only came in on the 7th day. Hang in there!
Read moreYes, don't feel guilty about giving formula, it's better than your son becoming dehydrated. I was feeling very bad too as I couldn't see any thing coming out from my breast right after birth. Don't worry, the supply will come a few days after birth, I was only pumping 7ml at the start, can try pumping too!
Read moreBe patient, milk will eventually come. Don't give up and continue to stimulate to encourage milk production. My milk only came in on day 6. If I'd waited for my milk to come in and not fed formula, my baby would literally be dead. Most importantly, don't feel guilty for giving baby formula! Fed is best!
Read moreDear mummy dont be affected by it. Is normalnot to have muchcolostrum or milk at the start. Just massage and pump. Itwill slowly increase dayby day. Try using syringe to collect the colostrum whem baby is not latching. So that u can slowly see the amt increasing . Mymilk kicks in day 5 or 6 at afew ml.
Read moreHappened to me! I thought I don’t have milk until the day I discharge from hospital my masseuse came to massage when she massage my breast I can see milk coming out. So what I did was I kept latching my baby during hospital stay. So the key is to keep latching to produce sufficient milk for baby.
Hi dear. What you’re seeing is very normal. But when baby sucks for that half an hour, actually some colostrum is coming out. So don’t worry:) top up with FM for now and keep latching on demand. The supply will come soon, usually 3rd/4th day if you keep latching:)
Try pumping, massage mode first for 5-10mins then start pumping.. Even if there's nothing, keep doing it for several times per day.. It will start coming after that (on top of latching) ... Don't give up, give yourself up to a week