9 Replies

Normally elderly people will get pretty excited when they welcomed their first grandchild. Is yours the 1st? Trust me when your baby is older and you have a hard time to eat and taking turns, you will thank your in-laws for what they did. I will be glad too if they help me to bath my baby so I can have a quick nap to re-energize for all the night wakes. BUT not to the point of following us everywhere we go on weekends! You need some family time too just you, husband & baby. Best is to talk to your husband about this. Need to communicate lor. Afterall, it's his parents and you won't want to hurt anybody's feelings but then in-laws... I get it. Lol

*and present your case to your hubby.

Hi, I hear your concern but seems that your in laws really want to spend as much time as possible with their grand child. I suggest if you think it is too much, then better would be to speak to your husband about it and try speaking to your in-laws that you need little bit of space for yourselves

It’s normal , you may feel irritated but maybe they want to have time with their grandkids as they’re growing old . You will never know when they gonna leave . And if they wanna help with the baby and let you and husband have time too it’s fine .

its normal i guess for a 1st grandchild.. just let them have their time with the grandchild.. u have ur baby when they already when home right? sooo spent more time with your baby when they already when home..


it sound like my pil first time grandparents never respect the parent. I had a talk to my hub it doesn't works so I go directly to them. telling them so many times we need our own family time without you guys.

I have a toddler and an infant. how i wish someone can render such service to me. btw I know how you feel, I also don't like it when my mom always stick around my baby.

talk to your husband .He will be able to handle this

i have the opposite lol, mil nv visit me before..

Super Mum

u get to rest!

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