Need coffee
I’m 13 week day 5 today. Can I drink 1 cup instant Ah Huat Super Rich white coffee?

You can look for Calla Milk (Caramel Macchiato flavour). 1 sachet have only 80 mg of caffeine. I got mine from TT and it's safe for preggies 😊
Yup caffeine is ok! In fact my gynae said no more than 2 cups/ day. I stuck to 1 cup/day of black coffee w/o sugar a day in my pregnancy
i drank coffee till i delivered so far baby doing well including my self. i delivered 39+1. dun think too much if u r ok with it
Yes it’s okay. One cup a day is fine! But I still try to avoid caffeine as much as possible.
Yes for occasional coffee. As long as you keep it to one cup a day. Mama needs to survive too.
I would avoid instant coffee and opt for a good cup of cappuccino.
Yep. No more than 1 cup a day as a rule of thumb.
I cup coffee daily is okay , I drink till I delivered
yes as long as caffeine intake doesn't exceed 200mg
Yes u can. The limit is 200mg of caffeine per day