maintaining marriage is not easy. how do you all manage a hot-temper husband?

Used to be married to a very hot tempered man. But I am quick tempered too. It ended in disaster. My current spouse is very very calm and when I am angry he kisses my cheeks or mimics me and winks and I can't help but laugh and it diffuses everything. So try humour and every time he is angry, show him even more love. Current hubby warned that next time I swear, he's gonna slobber me with ten mins non stop kisses. And when I get angry, he literally grabs my hands and kisses me all over my face until I start giggling. :)
Read moreWhen he is angry just leave him alone for some time. It doesn't make sense to keep making any point when someone is angry. Mostly when people cool down they begin think rationally again. But he will need to learn anger management otherwise your relationship will not be healthy in the long run. You will also have to be patient with him when he's really trying. Efforts have to be made on both sides to make marriage work!
Read moreExactly.
I am the hot-tempered one in my relationship and when I get into one of my "moments", my partner will strategically back away. He knows better than to fight back. He would literally leave me alone until I cool down. Even if I am out to engage him in the argument, he will just walk away and ignore me. I find this method is the best because if he did retaliate, things will only get worst.
Read moreI've got a hot tempered Husband but he change a lot after the birth of our Son. At times if he lose temper, I will keep quiet walk away n let him calm down. After he has calmed down, pass him a cold drink before asking him what happen. Dun ever provoke an angry man further Coz Wun b able to solve issue. To handle Hor temper people, ur EQ must be high enough.
Read moreI am hot tempered man, the best advice do not talk your husband when he is angry, and try to understand what he likes and more important understand the things which he hates and he does not like. Do not talk to him about the problems immediately after he returns home from let him relax one or two hours and then tell him what are the problems you had.i hope this helps
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Knowing when to keep quiet when you know the volcano is going to erupt helps. Take hints of the tone and choice of words used and you can sense the level of tension, then take a step back. Two hot headed person will result into an argument. Remember not to raise your voice, because when we do that, we hear the sound but we don't listen to the grievances.
Read moreMarriage definitely isn't easy. The best thing to do when he is angry is to leave him alone until he cools down. Come back and discuss the issue when you both can think rationally. And talk to him about his temper when he is calm. He has to make an effort on his side to control his temper and you also need to have patience through this period.
Read moreFirst, I think as a wife need to be more conscious and try to calm down as much as possible during argument. For me, I am more hot-tempered than my husband. He always so patience to handle my nuisance and temper. It takes 2 hands to clap and if both husband and wife are hot tempered, it will end up more unhappiness.
Read moreby cutting him off. If he can't understand being alone everyday doing household chores, taking care of our baby. Having not enough sleep. While his problem is only his work or workmates. I don't deserve that, I know my worth and if he can't handle us then cunt f*** off.
i am always the one who will cool down easily but yet i still felt petty. i cant stand the way he throw temper. although he is very tired, i already minimise whatever i can. but sometimes when come to kids, he get pissed off when they are uncontrollable.
Mummy Little Dino