my cheating Husband wants a divorce

Lately my husb nvr come hm. He keep saying that he is working. There are days that he switch off his hp. No sms or nvr pick up my calls. When i confronted him. I ask him. He keep saying working. I asked him r u hving affair. He said NO. We really got into argument. He even slapped me. I say i will call the police. But i never. I went to see doc. I lodge a report. Police called him n asked him. My husband msg me saying that i messed up his carrer. Now he wants a divource because i made a report. WTF seriously. I tols him lets sit down n talk. Lets see e counselling. Seems like he dont give a damm f*** abt it. I have a 13 month old dau. He keep saying lets sign e paper. Dont wait too long n etc. I said NO. He nt happy abt it. I actually leave him alone for few days. Then i texted him n asked him abt his well being. That i miss u n i still love u. The ans he gave is i dont love you anymore. No feelings. I dont care abt u and yr dau. Lets get divource. What e hell seriously. Then again. When he is not ard at home. I opened his laptop. He usually leave his email n fb open. This women is his co colleague. This bitch has gone married man before. Oh my god. This is wat the saw n really shocked me: - bought flight tickets n accommodation to australia - book hotels in singapore - pictures of both together n kissing - bought bracelet n ring He is really a bastard. I m just shattered seriously. I feel like a bullet just got shot in my chest.

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VIP Member

Agree with most mummies here regarding moving on etc. I'm not one to condone or agree to divorce as the first solution but sometimes to maintain our sanity and also for the kids, it's better to let go and move on.

VIP Member

why are you holding on when he already lay his hands on you and he isn't being honest in his words? Yes you have a daughter with him. but holding on isn't it the same as showing your daughter a bad examples

Please don't undercut yourself you deserve better and not someone who does this to you. Its hard with your daughter but you need to weigh what is better for you and her. Stay strong. Big hugs

This has become an unhealthy relationship. No point to hold on for something that can’t stay. He has no idea what he has lost. Stay strong for your little one. Let go and move on. 💪🏻

VIP Member

Sorry to be blunt, but your husband is an asshole. He hits you, ignores you, cheats on you. Leave him. Be strong for your daughter. Show her that a wife should never be treated that way.

Please leave. You can find someone much much much much better then that A hole. And make sure during divorce he gives up custody of your daughter if not he will fight for it next time

VIP Member

I’m so sorry 😭 I couldn’t imagine being in your position. Gather all your strength to leave him and move on. Maybe your parents can also help you to take care of your daughter.

Let him go momsh. you deserve more than that a****le! you deserve someone better. I know it'll never be easy but I know you can do it. Love yourself first. Make yourself whole again.

VIP Member

I can uds ur feeling the pain/hurt are much more than a gun shooting into chest. Iam only lucky that happened when i haven get married. Stay strong darling!! Take care urself well.

follow ur heart. before ur final decision, pls give a thoughts for urself and ur daughter future. it may be difficult for u now but u will be better and happy in future!