8 Replies

Firstly, I agree with some of the others, to acknowledge that your child has an emotional response to your helper. "I see you're upset with <helpers name> and would rather she not look after you. Secondly, say that you'd like to help her out with her feelings, and that there are appropriate ways to express her feelings and work things out. But telling someone they don't like them and slamming the doors is not an effective or appropriate way to do so. When you explore her feelings - the causes could range from something the helper has done that can or should be changed, to the child feeling upset about something completely different but projecting it onto the helper... It may be something you can't "solve" like maybe she misses the previous helper and wishes she were back - but you can help her see that its ok to be sad, and do something like write her a letter, but that being angry at the new helper won't help. And going back to the way she has been behaving, reinforce that it is not appropriate behavior - and that next time she's that angry or upset, give her alternative things she can say or do - like I'm very upset right now, hitting a pillow... And if she does it again, she will have to face immediate consequences (time out corner, reduced privileges - whatever you usually do).

How old is your daughter? I will prepare my children that we will be hiring a helper and explain what will she be doing n she will be staying at our house etc. Sees what is her reaction. U can ask her why n talk to her nicely. See what she said. And monitor the how helper treat her and let the helper understand that too. After awhile should be fine. Don't punish your daughter. It takes time to get use to a helper.

Is a worry Got to find out why There must be a reason why daughter doesn’t like helper Disciplining her is not the solution because she will hate the helper more There are always 2 sides to a story I would investigate if I were u

VIP Member

Normally kids learn from cing others so just check with her odd behaviour n her reason for acting like so .. if we tell her nicely try surely listen , this is the time we can tune them .. in a good way

VIP Member

Oh dear... How old is your daughter? Did she tell you why she dislikes your helper? Maybe something happened etc.. coz a child usually will not dislike a person for no reason

Has your LO told you why she doesn't like the helper? Perhaps this is points to something more serious?

How old is your kid? How do you treat your helper? Kids learn by modeling behaviour

Where did she learn such behaviour from? Who in your house slams doors?

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