HB Rendah, GDM dan Masalah Kehamilan Lain: Topik ATE Minggu Ini!

? Jom ajukan soalan anda di ruangan post ini dan produk PERCUMA menanti 3 pengguna bertuah! Pakar yang akan berkongsi ilmu dan tips minggu ini adalah Dr. Muniswaran Ganeshan, Consultant at the Women and Children’s Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Hospital Tunku Azizah, KL) ? Topik: Cara Mengatasi Masalah Kehamilan: HB Rendah, GDM, Anemia dll ?️ Tarikh: 12 Oktober 2023 Jika anda ada sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan dengan topik ini, jangan malu-malu untuk kemukakan soalan anda. Pakar kami akan sedia membantu! ⛔ *NOTA: Sebarang persoalan luar daripada topik dan tarikh yang ditetapkan mungkin tidak akan dijawab atau dipadam terus.

HB Rendah, GDM dan Masalah Kehamilan Lain: Topik ATE Minggu Ini!
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Hi dr, saya pregnant 3rd trim and hb low range 9 je. Now consume iberet 1 biji sehari tapi hb still naik 0.1 mcm tu je. Should i consume 2 biji iberet sehari to make sure my hb is ok before delivery? Any others tips/advice?

8mo ago

Dear S&R, thank you for asking an important question related to anemia. The ideal Hb in the third trimester should be above 10.5 gram/dl. It is best to know what is the exact reason for your anemia as many may assume is it always only related to iron deficiency anemia. I suggest it is best to clarify with your doctor on what is the exact reason for your anemia, by doing additional test such as ferritin levels in your body (iron), looking at the shape and side of your haemogloibin and also ensuring you do not have thalassemia. Iberet is only recommended and is beneficial if your ferritin levels are below 30 ug/L and having one tablet once per day is the recommended dose. The side effects from two tablets may be more significant for you. As for other tips, I hope you are having a balanced diet rich is iron, nutritions and B12. How you consume your supplement are also important as it is best to be taken in a empty stomach, while tea and certain foods may affect iron absorption.