I'm a first time mom who is finishing my ML soon.. can share what's a typical evening routine like? my in laws are taking care of my baby boy at my place (coz hubby and I end work late, reaching home about 8pm)..

Here's my routine - pick baby from IFC at 6 - head back to office till 7.00. Hubby picks me up at 7.00. Reach home by 7.30. Shower baby, feed baby, get ready for bed time. At the same time helper is preparing dinner on table. 8 pm swap with helper, so we eat dinner and baby is patted to sleep by helper. 8.45 we swap back from helper and look after baby till she wakes up and cries (around 11.30). Then feed, burp, change diaper and pat her back to sleep. She sleeps through and Wakes 5.30 for another feed. And then wakes up again at 8. Where we spend the next 1 hour hanging out with her before leaving for work at 9 (and we drop her along to IFC).
Read moremy mum take care of my baby here my daily route morning abt 7 am leave home to my mum hse.. if baby wake up will feed in the car.. (lucky for me my mum shower for my baby) by 8am will leave for work.. rch my mum place abt 7 .15 pm when home pump (cos I still breast feeding )after tat feed her (sometime pat her for a nap ) after had my dinner (lucky my mum cook) abt 8.30.- 8.45 will go home.. when home play wz her a while feed her then put her to bed.. after tat then will do other necessary thing..
Read moreMy MIL is taking care of my baby at my place too! So here's my routine.. Hubby picks me up and head home together. Reached home around 7pm. We will hurry shower and have our dinner. Then we will chit chat with baby for awhile and put her to bed. Baby wakes up at 5.30am and I will feed her then chit chat with her until 6.30am. Then prepare myself for work and leave the house..
Read moreBasically i dont think u need to change ur current routine as ur laws are at your house. unless ur baby is sleeping early. You probably may want to delay baby sleep by an hr as I believe u will want to spend more bonding time with your boy.
My mum is looking after my baby at my place. 6pm - reach home (quick shower) 6.30pm-7pm - night feed and baby sit with us at dinning table while we have dinner 7.30pm-8pm - bed time for baby
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