Maid timetable for taking care of baby and housework
Hi,I'm newly appointed full time helper at home.But I’m unable to manage her timetable.In general how helpers can manage both housework and taking care of baby…i have 7 months old baby.pls share any time table or suggestions.

Hi mama, I don’t know about other employers but for me I often ask myself - if I were my helper, what would I be able to humanly manage. So if baby is the priority, I would plan the cleaning around that. What I did with my helper was I gave her the important stuff - cooking and mopping and laundry. Baby is most important. I would also recommend easy menus for the week so that she doesn’t shift her attention from my son for too long. Mopping and laundry she coped while baby was asleep or when awake but occupied while in sight. We worked with her too - asked if the workload was okay. Hope this helps
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