15 Replies

I informed my superior once my pregnancy was confirmed by the doc which was at week 9. My job is quite demanding and laborious so i figured its best for me to inform for my own wellbeing and to seek their understanding.

If informed immediately once I confirmed pregnant. Because my job required walking often and due to my first miscarriage, this pregnancy request to minimum walking.


It's good to inform in advance. So work can be allocated to others and arrange make. Especially if your job require travel n carry heavy stuff

VIP Member

I only inform my superior during end of my 1st trimester. My job doesnt require neither travel nor carry heavy things.

VIP Member

By around 11 or 12 weeks of pregnancy of ultrasound scan check when it confirms the baby is in stable stage.

I also curious when do you all start telling your superiors? Like it is after first trimester?


Usually we keep quiet and only announce pregnancy after first trimester is safely through

I'll only inform after first trimester or week 20... maybe week 6 is too early

Super Mum

After confirming that your pregnancy is stable.

Would be good to inform your office...

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