Miss Living With My Parents
I'm 28yo, married for 3 yrs alrdy. But i miss living with my parents... Sometimes i wish i hadn't got married.. ?

I can feel you. I am currently staying with inlaw and married almost a year. I am really missing my mum and sibling so much. I will try to visit them once aweek. But couldn't stay over as my room occupied by my younger brother. Missed the foods and the taste cooked by mama . Miss snacks and chat with sibling and mummy. Feel quite lonely and diff when at inlaw house. Trying to adapt it. You can visit them frequent if possible or meet them for activity, outting.
Read moreI feel this all the time even though i have moved out since 4-5 years ago. I’m staying with my in-law, they are the greatest people because they took care of me and kids. But i still miss staying with my parents. I guess this is what people always say, nothing in the world can replace your own parent!
Read moreIt's common to have such feeling because our PIL teaching n character is different from ours. It need time to get used to it. Visit your own parents more often. If it's still that bad, try a weekend home at your parent house. Talk to your hubby.
Me too. Had separation anxiety even after a year until hubby has to ask them to shift over our house as I was crying most of the tine. Things got better when children comes along. Perhaps the focus has shifted.
Yup. 1st mth after married, i was cryin in the middle of the night, wanna find my silbings to chitchat etc. Whenever nagged by mil, feel wanna bring LO n move back to parent hse.
I know what you mean! I always feel super pampered when I go stay with my parents who are overseas. But think of all the freedom you get now by having a place of your own!
I'm currently living with my parents, getting my keys in less than two years. Honestly I'm afraid of moving out because I'm so attached to my mum 😅
Aw it’s one thing to miss your parents, visit them more often! But it’s another thing if you don’t like living with your hubby. :/
I can feel ur pain .. for me it’s been 6yrs , I still felt sometime n cry .. if I go to my place also can’t stay long .. :(
Hahahas. Sometimes I will miss living with my parents so my husband will often invite my parents to stay my house.
Mumsy of 2 beautiful kids