2 Replies

Had similar experience... I was informed that there's only 2 possible outcomes..one is miscalculated.. and to wait for 1-2 weeks time to scan again, hopefully something shows.. else.. it could be blighted ovum (a type of very early miscarriage), but it's totally not your fault.. Fingers crossed and hope everything turns out well for u.. this is a very tough waiting period but stay positive..

I went to gynae today since got another bleeding overnight.. US showed the same empty sac and gynae wondered why the development of my pregnancy was so slow.. As to ascertain, I had my blood taken for HCG test and got jabbed progesterone for stabilizing.. I’ll take another blood test next Monday and we’ll see if HCG level is progressing.. if not then it should be a bad sign to the point I should let go of my pregnancy. Thanks for sharing and yeah, finger crossed everything will turn out well.. if not then it’s for the best definetely

I experienced before. i was supposed to be in my 8th or 10th weeks. but doc says i might have miscounted my period days. i said no, as i always marked dates on my calendar each time im on my period. every scan i only see an empty sac. after 1 month of waiting & sac no growing at all, doc says i had missed miscarriage. however, don’t think so much. just wait for the next scan.

I had the same for week 5 and 6, only gestational sac. The fetus appeared during the 7th week, thankfully. It also game me stress while waiting, and I tend worsen it by googling. Don't worry momma, all will be well.

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