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morning sickness is crazy!
Im in my 6 weeks now, 2nd pregnancy, but my morning sickness is out of control. Doc did prescribed me with nausea tablets but not working at all. anything i eat, i’ll vomit back. i cant even see food especially vegetables. im so stress & recently i vomit out yellow liquid. 😭😭😭 help….. should i go to the hospital? im afraid my baby wont have much nutrients.
13 weeks with sudden yolk sac
Hi mummies, for the past 2 weeks i was grieving over my lost baby. Cut story short, I was in my 10 weeks when i get to know i had a miscarriage, will all the bleeding and clots. Went for 2 scans @ KKH, only present was empty pregnancy sac, doc says it might be 100% miscarriage but no medicine was given because she wanted me to get more scan to double confirm the miscarriage. However today, i went for a scan, at my 13weeks, the sonographer spotted a yolk sack about 5weeks whereby my other 2 scans were only an empty sac. I am not putting any high hopes but at 13 weeks after going through all the “period kind of bleed”, now then i get to see the yolk sac. Has anyone experienced a situation like i do? ☹️
HFMD 2 year old boy
Hi mummies, my 2 year old son has HFMD as his school having an outbreak. He eats very very little & refuse to drink milk from bottle. We even tried cold milk transfer to bottle too but to no avail. He drinks from a straw but he drinks less. Day by day red spots starts to appear little by little. Today is. day 3. Any kind advises how you soothe your child or pacify him to eat? 😞
Infant Care
Hello mummies! I have something to ask. If i am doing home based business, am i allowed to place my LO at IFC?
Get your baby stuff here!
Hi, why wait for mummys fajr or baby fair online? If u looking for head to toe items head down here. They have almost everything. They have a physical store too or join them at their facebook page.
8 months old solid feeding
hello mummy, my son is seven months plus and he only eats cerealac. I have tried giving him some other home cooked puree and it seems he doesn’t like it at all. Fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes or watermelon he still doesn’t like it. Each time I make him try new food he will give a face like he’s about to puke. I don’t mind giving him cerealac Every day but what if he starts to grow up will he be rejecting any other foods? I’m so stressed right now what should I do?
Having a baby more than one?
hello.. I just gave birth 5 months ago. I started to think having 1 is enough and I don’t plan on getting another baby. I can’t cope and i felt that having another one in future will tire me more. Am i even allowed to make such decision?
Digital Kitchen Scale
Hello mummies! Where can i can an accurate good digital scale for baking?
What are those? Help!😭
Been to pd, doc prescribed steroid & physiogel calming cream. are these heat rash? or eczema.
Is this ring worm? 😭😭
hello mummies.. my son just turn 4months. I think his face has ring worm.. can u mummies see it?😭😭 what should i do, any natural remedy to cure??