Diaper stocks
Any idea how many newborn diapers I should get??

We started off with 1 pack, as they grow very fast, so we don’t want to over buy it + TMC provided with a pack of Huggies (can’t rem exactly how many pcs) and the TMC mummies-babies pack has another box of MamyPoko (10 diapers). My girl wore NB size until 2 months though. All in all, we bought 3 packs? But very subjective to each child’s growth.. :)
Read moreAs babies grow very fast during the first few weeks don't stock too much. Just 2 extra packs would do. but if you feel your baby is getting a little big for the diaper, have one extra pack of the current size and one of the bigger size.
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Usually lo will outgrown very fast . 1 pack . Finish then u buy coz sometimes some kid grow fast. My boy only used 1 small pack nb and ge started to use S size after discharge
Oh okie! Noted
Believe you can get max 2 pack, they outgrown really fast. By then if baby still can wear NB, you can easier order at Qoo and they deliver over. Advise not to stock.
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I got a carton but the last pack was getting a little tight. Guess 2 or 3 packs is enough. My baby has always been around 50th percentile as a gauge
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Set aside at least 6 diapers every day for 2 months. Thereafter can transit to S size (of course depending on the cutting of the diapers too).
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Test out one brand with 3-4 packs and see if baby is ok with it. If ok, get for one month supply
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Don't have to get too many because they'll outgrow it fast. Perhaps 2 packs is a good number
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Depends on growth rate. I'm on the 2nd newborn pack right now. My lo now is 3 weeks 1day old
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Have a stock of at least 2 extra pack at home.
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Mama of 2!