newborn diapers
On average how many diapers do you use in a day and how much newborn diapers should i buy?

For newborns, it’s about 9-12 a day? How many packs of newborn diapers you need actually depends on the size of your baby, how fast your baby grows, and the brand/type of your diaper, because some brands have smaller cuttings, and some brands have bigger cuttings. In general, if your child is born below 3.5kg, I think it’s safe to buy 1 carton of NB diapers first, then decide later on whether to buy more NB diapers or buy S sized ones. Some kids move on to S very quickly. My kids both stayed on NB size for many months 😂 I saved a lot of money, I guess, so I can’t complain
Read moreI used 2 packs of NB diapers together with the balance diapers from hospital before moving on to size S. My LO is averagely sized - 3.1kg upon delivery and Merries NB that i used could cater up to 5kg. Perhaps you can estimate based on all our sharing here, against your baby's projected weight from the gynae's review? Your qns is very valid; I had the same qns when I was in my last stretch!
Read moreAbout 10-12 diapers a day. So it is about 70-84 diapers in a week. Depending on the weight and size of your baby, there is a difference between just born diapers and newborn diapers. Different brands will have different cuttings too. I bought 2 packets of Huggies Platinum Just Born diapers since it was first given and used in the hospital then.
Read moreDepend on baby i only use 1 packet of nb and switch to S. Dont get too many nb you can get from carousell at cheaper price. My baby is always having poonami so 2 hourly change 1 diaper.