
i just wanna give up breastfeeding ? i feel bad that my partner had to skip many days of work and have to care for me (having 3rd degree tear) and baby keeps demanding bf till my nips got super sore and almost bleed on both. even lactation nurse can't do much. its only 3rd pp ???

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I only managed to breastfeed for a couple of days postpartum and had to turn to formula milk due to latching issues and low milk supply despite seeing the lactation consultant. Thereafter, I only managed to feed my baby occasional express breastmilk for less than a month before switching to 100% formula milk. Trust me. The defeat I felt was worse. I thought I could exclusively breastfeed my baby for at least a few months. Took me a while but I finally came to terms with it. All these “breast is best” is bull crap. It makes mothers even worse for not being able to breastfeed due to their own circumstances. I would say, “fed is best”. More importantly, as long as the mummy is comfortable, healthy and happy.

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4y ago

Yes!!! I was in this situation too and I was feeling so much mom guilt. Fed is best!