5 Replies

Awwwww...Big hugs mummy. It's actually a phase. This happened to me too. But when he was about 11 months old. I never knew what happened. Was it tteething was it yummy ache.my only advise is stay calm and be patient. It will pass.

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Were there many stimulation before her bedtime? Could she be hungry that why she was unable to doze off? Don't blame yourself mummy Many times kids have those days that they are harder to coax to sleep too.

it could be a period of sleep regression. don't stress out mummy! I know it's tiring esp when we have to work during the day. Hang in there ok?

No mom is a bad mom. Give baby and yourself sometime to over come this period. Have you anyone who can help? You are a good mom and you shouldn't lash out on yourself.

Awww mummy. Big hugs to you.

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