I resigned from my job after I've given birth to my LO. Now he is 17 months old n my mil kept asking me to send him to Childcare cos she said LO when being taken care by me learns n develops v slow .. e.g. Still can't self feed using spoon, can't speak many words yet. Etc .. I'm feeling v sad .. Did I do anything wrong by wanting to take care of my LO until 3 then send him to Childcare b4 I return back to work ? Sigh .. :(

Mum, are you protective? Time to go loose and let your baby run. 1st, are u able to train all the things that he learn to progress yourself? I didn’t work, was a sahm when i send to childcare at 18 months, minimum 18 months to go, if not they will be under infant care instead. I send because i want my kids make friends and learn more other things that i don’t know what the teachers will teach the kids. Depend on your own comfort, i’m proud to say, my son is promoted to n2 last year because teacher realized he is no longer suitable to mix with n1 as the age gap is quite big. He went n2 for half a year last year, and this year he promoted to k1 and he is not even 4 years old yet, he can read and do many things on his own that even some at k1 or k2 cannot handle. He even can play clay on his own. And i save on enrichment , as teacher are helping him to unleashed all his potential. That’s make me a proud mum. Don’t feel bad sending him to childcare if you need to, i send them to childcare because kids encourage each other, my kids was scared of paint because dirty, but be can do painting so well that the teacher are impressed by the different. So childcare isn’t a very bad choices, just choose the right one.
Read moreU can let ur boy practise self feeding at home, he doesn't need to go to cc to learn that. My boy at 14 Mths can self feed with spoon n fork, but that's because I gave him the chance to practise not because he goes to cc. He can pour water from jug n drink water from cup independently, not because I send him to sch, is cause I give him the opportunity to try I'm a SAHM too but I intend to send him to cc at 18 Mths though cause I feel there are some things which he can learn better in sch even though I may be able produce the same kind of activities for him at home too. But lifeskills wise, they can learn at home, dun need to go to sch for them
Read moreCheer up babe. Different babies development diff way. Some pick up fast and some pick up slow. Eventually; there will be one day that your lo can do it. Clear the negative thoughts from your mind. No one has the right to judge you and your lo. At e end of the day you are the mother. And i strongly believe that you know what is best for their own child. 17th month still early, let them enjoy their childhood. My lo is also 17th month, usually she will play with toys. And i give her own utentils were she can carry? Playing, ptatices. So dont tense about it.
Read moreDun be pressure by environment and people around u. Go childcare in the end 1 mth only attend 2 weeks due to sickness. Then haven't include child loss of weight coz not proper fed , diaper rash. If your financial is ok , why buy trouble and suffering to your kids. N1 is still ok. Just expose him to what the people here like play dates, toys, songs and other stuff. But to accomplish this u need a lot of family support. Which in your case I see is not very strong. Discuess with your husband and see whats the best. Wish u all the best.
Read moreDifferent kids learn and develop at different pace. Don’t worry too much. Initially my family was also worried that my LO won’t know how to speak if we don’t send her to school. She’s turning 3 end june, and we’re only sending her to school next month. But she has no problem communicating to us and letting us know what she wants, she can count to 20, and she can sing at least 5 songs. Pd say she is doing very well also. So don’t worry. Let your LO grow at his own pace ◡̈
Read moreIt depends on each kid .. even I look personally my kid his learning skills are little slower , but it’s ok I saw gradual improvement on my 2 .5 yr old kid .. he is going to preschool.. hope it will help on his mental growth .. even I stop working after I conceive .. again will start once my kid is ready.. no hurry on job , but kids once grow up the days won’t come back .. so enjoy this phase mama.. Listen to ur heart
Read moreSelf feeding part can learn at home. Before my child went to playgroup, at home, we tried to let her hands on since she shows interest to grab the spoon for herself. Initially the mess is crazy but it gets better and you will be so proud of her & yourself. Cheer up mummy! Speech wise, diff child develop differently. Mine goes to sch but still speaks slow. But is ok. Slowly but surely.
Read moreDon't worry too much.. if you want, can meet up with other sahm with age similar LOs and organise play dates. They can learn from each other and improve on social skills. The self feeding one, you can start preloading his spoon and let him feed himself. Everyone develops diff and at their own pace so faster pace doesn't mean the kid is smarter or what.
Read moreMy child is 2 years .... only started to really feed himself using spoon but sometimes use hands. I think it's fine. Just read more to him and talk more to him - he will pick up words naturally. Childcare not necessarily good as the children don't have 1-1 attention of the Teachers. Isn't it better to have his full mother's attention?
Read moreDon't do it because someone tells u to. Else years later you will resent, regret and blame. Decision lies in us. Anything good nobody will praise. Anything bad is mom fault. That's why as mother we decide ourselves what is best. And not let others tell us what we shld do