8 Replies
Hello, Do not put anything "in" the nose. The best you can do is massage his chest and back and throat with a little ghee at the tip of your finger. And the massage means just apply and leave. Newborn's skin is extremely sensitive and hard massage or rubbing can cause rashes and complicate the situation. You can also rub the ghee on the upper lip below the nostrils, that is it. And as far as putting slain water like nasoclear, which is used for kids, you better consult with the doctor first, since yours is a newborn.
No, never put any oil in your newborn's nose. Rather, massage him with mustard oil. It will help in reducing cough and cold during winters. You can put one or two cloves of garlic in mustard oil and heat the oil. Once the oil is lukewarm, massage your baby with the oil. The strong smell of mustard oil along with garlic helps in reducing the nasal congestion, there by cures cold and cough.
oh no no no, please don't! that too a newborn! mustard oil is extremely pungent, so i would suggest you don't use it internally for baby. instead, warm up some mustard oil and make sure it is lukewarm. then, use this to massage the bridge of the nose, as well as the throat and chest area. for the blocked nose, use a saline spray called NasoMist but only after checking with the doc.
No, please do not do anything and that too when the baby is newborn, as things like these can lead to complications. If his nose is so blocked that he facing problems breathing and you can see him in discomfort, show him to his doctor. Do not do any home remedies as such with a newborn.
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My doctor suggested me Nasomist drops (saline nasal drops) for the blocked nose of baby.
No no no!don't out anything in the nose. Have you brought baby to the doctors?
Try using a nasal spray instead. I'm using sterima.