I am so Piss off with my grandma in law
I am so Piss off with my grandma in law. My husband don't have a mother but he have a grandma. She like to control things we do. She will ask my husband dose I spent a lot of money? Because I am a sahm, she will ask him how much cpf I come out for my new bto all this.. money to his grandma is like so important. And before I give birth she already told me after birth go work and earn money to pay house to lighten my husband burden. But then my husband told me to stay home take care baby because I go work also earn not that much put baby in Infant care is expensive. I sometime see she so old I ignore. But she will want to know this know that.. I so sian to go visit her.

hahaha.. sounds like my ex MIL... only out to squeeze money out from me... used to expect me to give her more money than her son becos I earned more than him... but I can tell u... the in-laws will never think for the daughter-in-law... to them is married into their family the job is to contribute to the family... be it financially or manually... so for us women... after marriage must be prepared to contribute to our own parents as well as to our in-laws... I guess it's already in the package.. and no matter what your in-laws will always side your hubby becos to them daughter-in-law are outsiders... that's why people always say dating is between 2 persons and marriage is between 2 families... so my point of view is that your hubby should be the one to explain HIS plans to his grandma and manage/handle all conflicts between u and his grandma... ignoring her will only make her think that u are not a good wife... do nothing but only to make her grandson suffer... communication is important... just ask your hubby to explain to her that he thinks it makes more economic sense for you to be SAHM instead of going out to work... becos she's old she might not know the costs of infant care and other implications like possibility of her great-grandchild being abused and show her articles of such cases... then she'll be scared and might not nag anymore...and normally old people will be very uptight about the grandchildren and great-grandchildren so your hubby has to let her know that he's not suffering in any way...
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So much like my FIL. We decided not to connect so much with him anymore. Most of the invitation we didn't attend. I've tried to work things out but nope... whenever I did that, there's always something he wanna say. Busybody and controlling 😌
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Sometimes just one year in one year out. Your Husband alr asked u to be sahm. So ignore her Smile and walk off!
Yea understand how you feel.. Then visit lesser..
Don’t let her affect you. Not worth it