Hi, I heard during confinement can only drink red date tea? or other tea? and drink milk to increase milk supply or breastfeeding... however I don't drink milk, milo or tea... any advice?

Never heard about drinking milk during confinement leh! Actually red date tea is just water boiled with red dates + longans, so it’s not tea tea per se. But just drinking water is good for milk supply too! I drank water & red date tea intermittently during my confinement!
I drink red date tea, lactating milk (Friso Mum) and also Organic Fresh Milk (Arla) Love the fact that it’s cheaper as compared to other organic milks and it’s from Denmark!
Eat oats. Soya milk. Plain water. Or u can get an organic supplement from LegendairyMilkSG in IG. I bought them for my extra supply as i am a FTWM. Its super magic & good.
During my confinement, I drink red date tea, water, Milo and all sort of hot drinks. Soup helps to increase milk supply. U can drink more too
Drink soup and water is also useful to increase milk supply. Take fenugreek supplements or lactation cookies too.
The doctor said red date longan tea and also water are very important to drink during confinement
Red date tea, warm water and loads of soupy things. Peanut soup is useful for me!
Errrr.. never heard of ppl drink milk tea during confinement..
Drink water or any nutritional drink you prefer