Red date tea during confinement

Is it really mandatory to drink red date tea everyday during confinement ? Does it help with milk supply? Can i just drink normal drink or normal tea.

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I drank it everyday for the first 15 days (supply was still meh), was craving for plain water and I couldn’t take it so I just hide in my room and drank till my content. My supply next day was a huge difference. From then I stopped the red dates and only drank water 😂.

red date tea doesnt help with milk supply. its for childbirth recovery (wound healing, replenish blood, improve qi) thats why it is advisable to have that only for at least the full confinement period. dont think other tea works the same...


not certain about the benefits but my personal preference over plain tasteless water 😅

didn't help much. I just drank normally, any type of drink except alcohol

No it didn’t help me with the milk supply. I prefer warm water over it.