I am going to start solids for my baby in two months time. Would like to hear what types of solids you give to your babies(if you give ready-made solids, kindly share the recommended brands) , how often per day, Is it better to make a lot at one go and freeze some or it is better to make fresh ones every two or three days? Is a baby food maker really necessary? Also appreciate if you can share the schedules for solids and milk feedings. Thank you in advance!

I introduced both ready-made and home made purée to my daughter when she was 6 months. I went for those that are organic which most brands do offer now. I was more into what variety is available then sticking by a particular brand. For home-made purée, I blend different vegetables and fruits (separately) and freeze them in little ice cube try, so each day I just take a ice cube out and mixed It with either rice cereal or porridge. I usually let her take the same food for 3 days to make sure she is not allergy to it. My schedule is very fixed as I feed her every 3 hours and only replacing 2 milk feed with solid each day. For me, by giving her variety actually helps because she take almost everything we give her now. (Currently 2yo)
Read moreYou can start with fruit/ vege puree. You need to follow the 3 days rules in order to know which fruits/ veg may contribute to allergy. It is easier to prepare at one go and freeze it. If you are able to prepare fresh, definitely will be better. For a start, I get myself the Avent blender (steam and blend), it makes my life easier because it can steam and blend, 2 in 1. Less hassle preparing and washing. This is a schedule you can adhere to suit to your lo. Setting a routine is a must ... start from young :) 7.00 am - milk 9.30 am - breakfast (rolled oats with puree) 11.30am -lunch 2.00 pm - milk 4.00 pm - milk 6.30 pm - dinner 9.30 pm - milk
Read moreBegin with giving mashed/grated fruits, lentils, pulses. Do not give grains till the time your baby turns one, as it is difficult for them to digest gains as little babies do not have enzymes that help in the digestion of grains. Though, it is easy to prepare the food and freeze it but I guess, you should make fresh and always feed fresh food as much as possible. Since, the quantity that you make for the baby would be less if you plan to make it fresh each time, I suggest, you can use a blender to blend the fruits, pulses or any food item. You can feed the baby in during lunch time, in the evenings and at dinner.
Read moreStarted 6mths ... i only give cereal twice a day.. e rest is milk. Gradually 7mths onward u may give veg or fruit puree
We started with vegetables. Exactly at 6 months.