I find my 21 months toddler so active. Wherever we go out , he would love to run around exploring things n touching this n that.. is toddler phase like that ? My energy level draining off Everyday cos I'm the main caregiver . I'm a SAHM . I have another 8 years d child , thankfully he is independent.

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Toddlers being toddlers! Between 18-24mo, they start becoming more curious about their surroundings - the sights, sounds, textures, smells and even taste :) While this phase will pass, the next phase that comes would be the terrible two when they turn 2 years old - because it's the point of their lives where they want to be independent, do things on their own and express themselves a lot more - especially of their achievements (even if they can be bad/dangerous). It's all perfectly normal and part of growing up, but it also means you have to be more alert because when they do start trying things on their own, they're liking to try to climb furniture to reach what they want (but can't have) and throwing frustration tantrums because they couldn't do something on their own. Yup, your 2 year old would get frustrated over having to ask for your help to do things :/

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Toddlers being toddlers! Between 18-24mo, they start becoming more curious about their surroundings - the sights, sounds, textures, smells and even taste :) While this phase will pass, the next phase that comes would be the terrible two when they turn 2 years old - because it's the point of their lives where they want to be independent, do things on their own and express themselves a lot more - especially of their achievements (even if they can be bad/dangerous). It's all perfectly normal and part of growing up, but it also means you have to be more alert because when they do start trying things on their own, they're liking to try to climb furniture to reach what they want (but can't have) and throwing frustration tantrums because they couldn't do something on their own. Yup, your 2 year old would get frustrated over having to ask for your help to do things :/

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my boy is turning 28 months and is still filled with energy and curiosity, independence will come eventually, now, i just let my boy be a child. I feel drained everyday too, but I know this phase shall pass

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yes it's normal as they LOVE to explore. It will get slightly better once they get older! you can try asking your 8yo child to look after the younger child too

Yea that's totally normal and acceptable. Try to get your 8 year old to help out. Toddlers need a lot of energy drained out. It drives me nuts at times.

Yes it's normal. Its a good thing at least your child is active. Give them some time and be patient it happens.

Brief him that he must ask for permission before running off and must stay within your eyesight.

Yes ur 21m old is extremely normal and expected. That's what they do at this age!