Mysterious 30ml

So I chanced upon a YouTube video about this 'mysterious 30ml' whereby babies leaving the extra 30ml, always at 30ml of leftover milk (mine happens 7 out of 8 feeds a day ?) For example, when I make 90ml of milk, she will consume 60ml (left over 30ml), if I make 120ml of milk, she will consume 90ml (left over 30ml too) Since she always leftover 30ml, I've decided to make 120ml during all her meals so she will consume sufficient of 90ml in a single feeding ? Any mummy experienced this?

Mysterious 30ml
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Oh this is really new to me but makes sense! My 3 month old used to be able gulp down all at one go but recently been leaving 20-30ml behind. Which I can only manage to make her finish much later. I figured it was due to the teat size which I upgraded but still has this problem sometimes. Think it's really the pressure buildup as the bottle will become loose towards end of feeding and sometimes spill out at the sides which made her yell. Especially my spectra bottles 😔

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5y ago

Yes need to break to 2 feedings I noticed 😂

Super Mum

I know what you mean! 😂 I have a feeling it’s because when there’s 30ml left, most of the milk is in the teat portion of the bottle, and somehow baby doesn’t feel like it’s the same, so thinks that there’s no more to drink. Either that or it becomes harder to suck out.

5y ago

Good job 😁

VIP Member

My baby same. Headache. We tried lot methods to make him finish all the milk. I will feed him one oz by one oz while my husband will squeeze the bottle hard so the milk would pumped into his mouth. End up he left more milk in the next feeding

5y ago

Yes! And maybe patent it and earn big bucks cos apparently its not just 1 baby but many babies has experience such! 😂

Omg! Thought my baby is the only one. Sometimes she will finish it all and at times she will leave leftover milk 🤣 Since she is only 3 weeks old,we wont expect her to finish it all

5y ago

During lucky days yes my baby will finish it all too 😂 But recently since start of last week or so, this mysterious 30ml always appear 😂 Now as frequent as 7 out of 8 feeds now My baby is currently at 7weeks+ old 😂😂

VIP Member

wow thgt only my baby!! she drink only little with leftover then became so cranky and i have to feed again till happy 😂

5y ago

Haha that happens to me with the initial 90ml milk I made for her as followed on the milk tin 😂 she literally needed milk as fast as every 2 hours! Ended up tried to up the volume and which she will automatically leave 30ml of leftover, then finally she has enough and stretch till 3 hours per feed. She's currently 7 weeks+ old now hahaha 😂😂

Super Mum

Wow I didn't know about this, I thought my baby is the only one doing this 😂. She does this 9 out of 10 times too! Haha

5y ago

Yes! At first I thought she's just full. Until I chance upon the YouTube video about the parents experimenting this 30ml thing. And I tried on mine and up the milk volume to 120ml, omg also left 30ml Haha 😂🥛

VIP Member

I heard its sth to do with air pressure so should open the bottle a little then close it back towards the end. It helps!

5y ago

Haha yep! That was a hack other mummies shared with me!

VIP Member

Omg! I didn't realise till you said that. My girl love to leave 20-30mls every time

5y ago

Haha initially I didn't notice that too. Until it became very often 😂

VIP Member

Yup! The last 30ml was always leftover. Heard it was due to air pressure.

VIP Member

hahahah i thought my baby is the only one!! haha so surprise to read this

5y ago

Hahaha at first I thought its only my baby too. Then I chanced upon the YouTube video. Now I know there's mums in here too also experience this with their baby! 😂😂