Is labour like a ring of fire as you push?
I asked my girlfriends to describe it and they said labour is like a ring of fire as they push. Is that true?

Lol - I don't think I would say it's like a ring of fire. It's very different for every woman and really depends on what painkillers you are taking. I had a relatively easy labour for my first one. Hope my second is just as easy.
Never heard of this feeling before. My wife said it feel more like pooping when the contractions are getting severe.
Feels like letting out a big poop! Esp at the tail end of labour when all you want to do is PUSH... 😅
Passing motion is the exact description, using the muscle groups to pass motion to push!
Yes u should cherish her and dote her. She risk her life to bear you a child
Depends on your pain treshold i guess. But pain will still be pain 😄
Feels like pooping. The contraction is like ur bones are breaking
Feels more like being constipated and pushing the poop out 🤣
Wow make me curious, I really want to go through natural delivery :)
Yes it is like going to the toilet and you feel the pressure below