I am a breastfeeding mum. I like to eat spicy food. Should I eat during BF? If not, what can I eat?

Eating spicy food in moderation shouldn't be a problem if you're breast feeding. If it were, I'd imagine it would really difficult for breastfeeding mommies in countries whose staple foods are generally spicy. So don't worry about it, as long as you eat healthy and in moderation, it will be fine. Dr Paula Meier, a lactation specialist notes that the human breast actually takes what it needs from body stores to make milk, pulling calcium from bones, and fat from the mother's reserves. When it comes to the baby's health, Dr. Meier recommends that mothers maintain a balanced diet. Other than that, she says, the need to restrict -- or expand -- the mother's diet is a myth. "What a mother needs to think about more is what she wants to eat to protect her body's stores so they will replenish," Dr. Meier explains. http://www.parents.com/baby/breastfeeding/basics/avoid-foods-while-breastfeeding/
Read moreGenerally, these are the food to avoid during breastfeeding as it might cause reaction to the baby through breastmilk: Beans, Cabbage, Cherries, Corn, Dairy products, Garlic, Onions, Shellfish, Tomato, Broccoli, Caffeine, Chocolate, Corn syrup, Eggs, Hot peppers, Peanuts, Soy and tofu, Wheat, Brussel sprouts, Cauliflower, Citrus fruits and juices, Cucumber, Food dyes, Iron and other supplements and medication, Prunes and Spicy food. After you eat your craved food, do look out for signs that your breastfed baby has any of the following: -Extra fussiness. -Constipation or diarrhea. -Abdominal bloating and gas. -Excessive spitting up. -Colic symptoms. -Diaper rash. Runny nose. Eczema. http://www.breastfeeding-problems.com/foods-to-avoid-while-breastfeeding.html
Read moreIt is said that whatever mother eats goes into making the milk for the baby. So, ultimately baby is having whatever you are eating. There may be some foods that baby may be allergic to, or may not be able to digest. It is better to have spices, if at all in moderation. If the baby shows signs of flatulence, indigestion or diarrhoea, then you can make out that he may not be taking the food you are eating, nicely. But there are studies that contradict that breastfeeding mothers should not eat spicy food. http://kellymom.com/nutrition/mothers-diet/mom-foods/ http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/breastfeed-eating.html
Read morei would say that as long as you are having the spices in moderation it should not be a problem. whatever you eat while being a breastfeeding mom will have a direct impact on the quality and taste of the milk. so you need to be careful and also watch your baby for the signs. in case you see your baby is passing a lot of gas or is colicy or cranky, please stop having spicy food. if you see a positive difference, you would know that the discomfort was due to the spicy foods. if you cant do without spicy food, maybe you can bite on a few green chillies with your meal. avoid red chilli powder
Read morei think thts not a serious case for your baby, as long as your baby still calm and healthy, yes go for it. i mean thts good ur baby try another taste tht meets in his tongue. in serious note you eat the best food and contains good nutrition. if something would happened, you can genuinely ask your doctor via Halodoc. why? because its easier way to consult your health (also ur baby) issue in one-hand. Doctor might response in second and Halodoc also provide you consultation service in 1x24 h, so nothing you're worried about.
Read morei think thts not a serious case for your baby, as long as your baby still calm and healthy, yes go for it. i mean thts good ur baby try another taste tht meets in his tongue. in serious note you eat the best food and contains good nutrition.
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Different people have different experiences. It's best to have in moderation, unless it shows an impact on your child.
Better if you don’t eat before breastfeeding. Eat nalang after kung gusto mo talaga.
Yes you can eat! i ate spicy food during breastfeeding too and i faced no issue