My husband’s also a heavy smoker. I’m only thankful that he doesn’t smoke in the house or near me as I can’t take the smell of cigarette. However, no matter what I said, he wouldn’t quit...
My hub said he will quite smoking if I get pregnant. Now I'm 32w with #2 and he is still smoking. But he doesn't smoke in our presence or at home..
Do have a good talk with your husband and show him articles regarding smoking. It's bad for his health and affects people around him
You should have a talk about it with him. It is really unhealthy living in such an environment
He needs to quit, completely. 3rd hand smoking from his clothing etc is still harmful
show him the article that proves smoking is bad for u and baby
Let him know how u feel. Hope his can be more understanding
Tell him to go downstairs to smoke instead
You can tell him to stop.